A musical and poetry special to celebrate Autism Acceptance month. 

The ALAG and Autism Hub April 2023 meeting was an in-person special in celebration of Autism Acceptance month, allowing new and regular participants to meet up. This was a special with music performed by The Autistic Adult Choir, led by Choirmaster- Jill Bradford. A great range of songs, was followed up by an emotionally solo performance – reflecting on family circumstances.Newly written poetry was performed by Alain English – offering words and sentiments which resonated with the audience. After that, there were more popular songs ending with Love Shine Life – a hint at a well know song contest coming to the UK in May 2023.

The music, poetry and in-person event showcased autistic talent, an opportunity for social interaction, and of course entertainment with plenty of snack and drinks on offer. A thoroughly enjoyable evening.

Nick Stone, ALAG peer support facilitator, 6 April 2023

We are delighted to be funded by Camden Council & Islington Council.

Camden Council Islington Council London Community Response Fund
Camden Giving Cloudesley Asperger London Area Group

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