Philip Hackett QC provides an informative guide at the ALAG and Autism Hub’s recent webinar on autism and negotiations. Questions and answers were practical, with many useful tips on successful negotiations. As the webinar’s moderator, I enjoyed fielding the questions and listening to Philip’s essential advice.
Here are the post webinar actions points to help you improve your negotiations skills.
- Preparation is everything. Don’t be distracted – focus on your preparation. Gather any documents beforehand.
- Surprise the other side with some small talk – perhaps a flattering comment. During negotiations, consider requesting a 5 minute tea break – especially if you need time to reflect on the negotiations so far.
- Control the negotiating process. You may wish to pause negotiations and later re-start them or take a break. Both of which may provide calm, reflection and allow you to consider your next options.
- It can be a good idea to get help at negotiations. Beforehand, be sure to check the credentials of the person assisting you.
- Engage with the negotiating process. Active listening is fundamental – so take notes. Ask questions in a polite and inviting way.
Nick Stone, Autism Hub peer support and ALAG member, 6 October 2021